/gift featured This command is used to get a list of featured gifts
/gift popular This command is used to get a list of popular gifts
/gift recent This command is used to get a list of gifts you have recently bought
/gift [username] [gift name] This command is used to send a gift to your friends (example: /gift crazygrape hug).
/gift [username] [gift name] –m [message] This command is used to send a gift to your friends with a message (example: /gift crazygrape hug –m How are you?)
/gift search [text] This command is used to search for a gift (example: /gift search hug, returns Hug, Big Hug, Hug Coupon, etc)
/gift display [gift name] This command is used to see the details about the item (name, price, rating and category)
/gift category This command is used to get a list of all the categories under gifts
/gift category [category name] This command is used to get a list of gifts under the category (example: /gift category Expressions)
/gift rate [gift name] [rating] This command is used to rate an item (example: /gift rate Hug 5)
/gift gifts This command is used to open up My Gifts page
/gift gifts [username] This command is used to get a list of recently received gifts of the user
/gift all [gift name] This command is used to send a gift to all the participants in the Chat Room (example: /gift all Big Kiss)
/help This command is used to open the list of all the Emotes and Chat Commands that mig33 has.